General and Legal Information / Data Privacy Statement

You may file a police report with this form (pictures, videos, personal data, other information). Please provide us with your personal data and availability. This will greatly help us when we have questions about your report. However, you can also send the information without your personal data and availability.

The content of your message will be transferred to the police in North Rhine-Westphalia. The information will then be passed on to the police authority in charge. The legal regulations for storing data apply in accordance with Section 22 of the Police Law for North Rhine-Westphalia (PolG NRW),Section 483 of the German Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO), and Section 38 of the Data Protection Law in North Rhine-Westphalia (DSG NRW) for the information provided by you and your personal data. Data may only be given to third parties if it is necessary to fulfil a specific task. You may beinformed at any time about your personal data stored by the police in North Rhine-Westphalia in accordance with Section 49 of the Data Protection Law in North Rhine-Westphalia (DSG NRW).

Before sending the report, you will be asked to provide your consent for storing the data. If you interrupt the process beforehand, no further data will be sent.

Additional technical data is stored each time the content of this Internet platform is accessed (name of the uploaded file, date and time of the request, amount of data transferred, error status and IP address) in terms of your end device (e.g. PC, notebook, tablet, smartphone). This is to verify any possiblemisuse of our Internet platform.

After having been checked for completeness and passed on to the police authority, the transferred or stored data will no longer be required and therefore deleted from the server. This complies with the legal requirements in accordance with Section 54, Subsection 2, Letter b of the Data Protection Law in North Rhine-Westphalia (DSG NRW). If required in specific cases, the compiled data will be used by the police in North Rhine-Westphalia for the purpose of criminal prosecution or to avert danger or to carry out investigations involving the misuse of the reporting platform before the data is transferred or deleted.

Notice: Whoever intentionally and knowingly falsely accuses another person is liable to prosecution in accordance with Section 164 of the German Criminal Code (StGB).